
3rd Day of 30 Days Challenge
Unforgettable Childhood Memory

 When I was 4 years old (I think), I made an unforgettable moment, accidentally. Actually it was likely an accident, at least almost. I was saved, so I could write this today.

It was rain, rain hard. I, my mother, and my younger was from my aunt's home. People think that I can't remember at that's young. But, I can still remember it, clearly. When we had just arrived at our bus stop, and we drop off through the bus back door. It was too high for me, so I was helped by co-driver to get down. 

We need to take shelter, and I knew it. So, I was instructed by my mom to take shelter at Mbak Limah's Market. Unfortunately, I didn't have an idea who Mbak Limah was, but I knew Mbah Giyah's Market which was in the other side of the road. I thought my mom was slipped to spell, so spontaneously I passed the road which was full of vehicle at that time. Rain hard and vehicle, I didn't know how dangerous it was.

I ran passed the road and ... hooonk!! An huge truck from the left was about 5-6 steps of mine ( I was at most a meter in height back then ). The driver was trying to brake hardly. Fortunately, there was a kind man who ran so fast and grabbed me to the other side of the road, so I could passed the road safely. Alhamdulillah. Thanks to that man and Allah who made him in there. After that, I'd got angry from my mom, but I knew she was sick of worries.

Remember it year by year makes me understand something. I think my life is not about mine only. There are still so much tasks that I should do. God didn't wanna take me at that time (maybe) because I have to do something now and in the future. Something that must be a good thing. So, I've decided to help the others (not only human, but animals, plants, and the earth also) to do something good.

So, if you want to do something good and you need a help, you could ask me, kindly.

And [mention, O Muhammad], when your Lord said to the angels, "Indeed, I will make upon the earth a successive authority." They said, "Will You place upon it one who causes corruption therein and sheds blood, while we declare Your praise and sanctify You?" Allah said, "Indeed, I know that which you do not know."
(QS. Al-Baqarah 2:30)


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