Malin Kundang

here was a story about a son and his mother

Once upon a time, there were an old woman and her son. The son’s name is Malin Kundang. He has a scar, a birth mark in his hand.

They were really poor family. Malin’s father was a fisherman. But after months going to the sea, he had never come back.  

One day, Malin wanted to go to the sea, look for a job, and try to make their life better.

Reluctantly, his mother let him go. She told him 
“When you are somebody, don’t forget me, your mother, ok?” 
And then, Malin went to the sea.

One day he was in the sea for a few weeks, a sea pirate’s ship come and attacked Malin’s ship. They were all killed, except Malin, because he was hiding.

After that, he washed ashore in a fertile island. People in the island helped him and gave him a job. They even gave him a job.

Malin Kundang worked very hard until he became very rich. He had a lot of ships and married a beautiful woman

The news about rich Malin arrived to her mother. His mother was very happy to hear that. For Everyday, his mother went to the coast, hoping Malin to go home.

One day, Malin and his wife had a cruise. His mother saw him and his wife. After it is close enough, she looked at the birthmark in his hand. She became really sure that he was her son. She was very happy. When Malin got off from the ship, she ran into him and hugged him. 
“What took you so long? Why didn’t you tell me anything?”

But Malin pushed his mother and say
 “Stay away from me! You are not my mother!” 
Malin pretended to not recognize his mother. His mother used ugly clothes. It made him embarrased.

“Is that your mother?” asked his wife. 
“No. She is not my mother. I don’t have a mother like her.”

Malin’s mother surprised hearing that. She became so angry. Then while crying, she prayed to God
 “God Almighty, if he is really my son, please punish him! Turn him into a stone!”

Suddenly, a great storm came and destroyed Malin’s ship. Malin was so scared.

Then, a thunderbolt came and hit Malin. And after that, Malin turned into a stone.

Until now, a stone looks like a bow-beggingman still exist in Sumatra, Indonesia. People believe that it was Malin Kundang.

The moral of the story is, never disrespect our parents, especially our mother.

a legend from Sumatra
script : Bayu Gatry D.A. R


Anonymous said…
Cerita malin kundang abadi sepanjang masa :)
subasita said…
sebenarnya ini teman saya, Bayu Gatry, yang sedang sekolah di jepang akan menceritakan untuk pengenalan budaya. saya diminta menggambarkan :)
saya harap juga semua cerita dan lagu anak-anak masih berkumandang di dunia anak sekarang :)
@motskee said…
Justru gambarnya yang sangat mendukung ceritanya. keren :p
subasita said…
dan jika bukan karena teman saya, mungkin gambar ini tidak lahir :)

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